30 sept. 2017 - Championnats du Monde

246-Press Release: World Indoor Skydiving Championships

From October 20th to 22nd 2017, the town of Laval (Canada) will host the 2nd World Indoor Skydiving Championships.  23 countries and 250 competitors will compete in five disciplines: Indoor Formation Skydiving, Indoor Vertical Formation Skydiving, Indoor Dynamic 2-way, Dynamic 4-way and Solo Freestyle. Seven French teams will be present… and seven medals are expected!! 

 The French team, well placed for all the podiums
The members of the French Indoor Open 4-way Formation Skydiving team, also members of the 4-way Open or 8-way French Formation Skydiving Teams and world champions, have already participated in several competitions this year. During the World Cup, they only missed the first place during the last round, finishing just one point behind the Belgians, current World Champions and undefeated for five years. This promises for a tough battle in Canada. The French Indoor 4-way Female Formation Skydiving team is favourite to take the first place. Thanks to their clean and fast flying, their results put them just behind the Belgians and the French 4-way Open teams. Amongst their titles they are the 2017 European Champions and the Vice Champions of the 2016 World Championships. This makes them serious contenders for the gold medal. Following selection during French National Championship last March, the Indoor Formation Skydiving Junior team is constantly progressing. Conscientious, motivated and with good technical skills, these young competitors are in a position to go for gold in their category. However, to succeed,  they will have to beat the impressive Canadian team on its home terriroty. The Indoor Vertical Formation Skydiving competitors, all world champions, have the experience to compete against the American team which is the great favourite for the gold medal. The Dynamic teams, also composed of former world champions and indoor skydiving instructors, are exceptionally skilled flyers, essential if they want to win the two titles. Finally, in Solo Freestyle Junior, Matéo Limnaios, who is aiming for the bronze or, why not, the silver medal is impressive in his flying skills: rapidity, precision and technical competence are all part of his remarkable progress. All of this let expect good performances for the French team. French athletes who are fighting fit and ready and who are highly ambitious encourage us to foresee some brilliant results.

The various Indoor Skydiving disciplines

Indoor Formation Skydiving 4-way Open and 4-way Female
Each team, composed of four performers, must complete as many scoring formations as possible from a drawn sequence of 5 or 6 formations within a working time of 35 seconds in a belly-down or horizontal position. The highest number of correctly performed formations being the objective.

Indoor Skydiving Dynamic – 2 Way
Two performers per team compete against another team in battles. During these battles, they have to fly their speed or free routines in perpetual movement using the three-dimensional space in the tunnel. There are many flying positions possible: head-up, head-down, flat on their back but whatever, they have to keep moving. During speed round, the judges give penalties if pathways are not precise. The team that performs the sequence the fastest and with the least penalties wins the duel. In Free (or artistic) round, the routine comprising moves and/or patterns is chosen by the team. The performance is marked according to different criteria such as Technical Difficulty, Execution, Variety, Flow and Entertainment. The performance time for the free round is 60 seconds. The Beginner category has simplified rules with only compulsory rounds and a smaller pool simpler options. This discipline was first performed in France et the 2017 French National Indoor Skydiving Championships in Lille.

Indoor Skydiving Dynamic – 4 Way
Dynamic 4 Way is very similar to D2W but teams are composed by four performers with one replacement and the Free round is 90 seconds.

Freestyle Open is an individual event and is made up of compulsory rounds and free rounds. Compulsory sequences are mostly gymnastic movements such as backward loops. Free rounds are made up of moves entirely chosen by the Performer and can include music. The performance becomes a choreography synchronised to the music and gives the impression of an aerial dance choreographies are imagined by competitors and include music, which give the impression of a true aerial dance. The points earned in each round are added together to determine the final ranking.

Indoor Vertical Formation Skydiving
One of the newer parachuting disciplines, Indoor Vertical Formation is by far the most technical. The four members of the team are in head-down or head-up positions which, in freefall, can exceed a speed of 250km/h. Being based on classical Formation Skydiving (4-way Open and Female), teams perform a maximum number of figures drawn from a pool in a set time but on a vertical plane instead of horizontal. Being difficult, there is not a high number of teams performing this discipline but the most highly decorated team since the very beginning is, without contest, the French team.

The French Teams

Indoor Formation Skydiving 4-way Open
Entraîneur : Mathieu BERNIER,
Julien DEGEN, Guillaume BERNIER, Mathieu BERNIER, Roy JANSSEN.

Indoor Formation Skydiving 4-way Female
Entraîneur : Mathieu BERNIER,
Sophia PECOUT, Paméla LISSAJOUX, Clémentine LE BOHEC, Christine MALNIS.

Indoor Formation Skydiving Junior
Entraîneur : Marin FERRE,
Tom MATTONI, Cameron MALIE, Eliot MASSIER, Oscar MASSIER, Remplaçante : Astryd CASIMIR.

Indoor Vertical Formation Skydiving
Entraîneur : Philippe SCHORNO,
Raphaël COUDRAY, Frédéric NENET, Mikaël MELO, Edouard HENRY.

Dynamic 4-way and 2-way
Entraîneur : Sébastien CHAMBET,
DW4 : Léonard BLANCHON, Clément DUCLOUX, David PETRACCO, Omar SANDA,
DW2 : Léonard BLANCHON, Clément DUCLOUX.

Solo Freestyle Junior

Contacts Presse : Marie-Luce Bozom : +33(0)6 15 15 63 20 / Marie Galvaing +33(0)6 81 62 51 26
E-mail : phoebus-communication@orange.fr
www.ffp.asso.fr / Facebook / Twitter

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