28 févr. 2022 - #WindtunnelHandifly

indoorskydivingsource.com – Handifly Race – Event Information

On May 19th and 20th, 2022, Aix-Marseille will host the world’s first wind tunnel flight competition, for people with motor disabilities. This unprecedented event will involve 70 competitors; both men and women, of approximately twenty nationalities. ‘Let’s fly the world!’ is the motto of this international and unique event, and its main goal is to allow as many athletes as possible to experience the thrill of flying within a perfectly safe environment.

This first #HandiflyRACE will also be an opportunity to conduct live testing of the equipment that facilitates the evolution of disabled people in the wind tunnel. Said testing phase represents a genuine laboratory of experiments that will be useful to all attendees, competitors or not. In France, six venues currently host future participants in their training phase, and they are as follows; Argenteuil, Lille, Lyon, Paris (La Villette), Poitiers and, obviously, Aix-Marseille, where the various races will take place. The French Skydiving Federation (FFP), who organizes the event, has drawn up a scale of points which corresponds to the disability of each candidate. This scale will be used to designate the first world champion of the specialty, at the end of this twoday competition.

Retrouvez l’intégralité de cet article sur : indoorskydivingsource.com


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